Research Article

Spleen Stiffness Measured by 2D-Shear Wave Elastography and Rebleeding Risk in Cirrhotic Patients Undergoing Endoscopic Variceal Ligation for Variceal Bleeding

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the study population.


Age (years) (45-64)
Male173 (85.6%)
Aetiology of cirrhosis (, %)
 Alcohol91 (45%)
 BASH40 (19.8%)
 NASH39 (19.3%)
 HBV23 (11.3%)
 HCV5 (2.5%)
 Others4 (2.1%)
 Diabetes mellitus62 (50.8%)
 Systemic hypertension46 (37.7%)
 Dyslipidaemia14 (11.4%)
Child status
 A47 (23.3%)
 B72 (35.6%)
 C83 (41.1%)
MELD (15-20)
Platelet count (lakh/mm3) (0.7-1.2)
Albumin (mg/dL) (2.5-3.3)
Hepatocellular carcinoma16 (7.9%)
Compliance to treatment141 (69.8%)
Post 2 weeks repeat EVL required88 (43.6%)
3rd EVL required20 (9.9%)
Pre-EVL SV (cm3) (560.5-933.5)
Pre-EVL LS (kPa) (23-35.8)
Pre-EVL SS (kPa) (61-80.5)
Delta 1 VOL (cm3) (-59.4-121.9)
Delta 1 SS (kPa) (-12.1-4)
Delta 1 LS (kPa) (-25-1.2)
Delta 2 VOL (cm3) (-99.7-193.3)
Delta 2 LS (kPa)2.6 ± 12.5 (1.1-7.4)
Delta 2 SS (kPa) (6-15.4)
Delta 3 VOL (cm3) (-242.3-231)
Delta 3 LS (kPa) (6-17.4)
Delta 3 SS (kPa) (10.2-24)
Patients with rebleeding at ≤6 months45 (23.3%)
Patients who died at ≤6 months41 (20.2%)

BASH: both alcoholic and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; NASH: nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; HBV: hepatitis B virus; HCV: hepatitis C virus; MELD: model for end stage liver disease.