Research Article

Decoding the Luxury Brand Attachment: The Power of Social Media in Driving Consumer Action in Kuwait

Table 3

Factor loading and SMC.

ConstructsItemsStatementsFactor loadingSMC

LBALBA1My favorite luxury brands (LBs) show prestige and status0.6870.472
LBA2My favorite LBs emphasize unique design and style0.5490.301
LBA4My favorite LBs talk more about my personality and power0.8200.672
LBA5My favorite LBs provoke emotions and experience0.7270.529

MOTMOT1It is exciting and fun to follow LBs on SM0.6630.440
MOT3It is fashionable to follow LBs on SM0.6740.454
MOT5My desired prestigious self-image is reinforced when following LBs on SM0.8000.639
MOT6The prestige of LBs contributes to my image/status on SM0.7610.578
MOT7It is convenient and easy to interact with LBs on SM0.5810.338

SMUSMU1Which of the following SM platforms do you use to connect with LBs (Snapchat)0.7560.572
SMU2Which of the following SM platforms do you use to connect with LBs (Instagram)0.6270.393
SMU3Which of the following SM platforms do you use to connect with LBs (YouTube)0.6970.485
SMU4Which of the following SM platforms do you use to follow LBs (Twitter)0.8230.677
SMU6Which of the following SM platforms do you use to connect with LBs (TikTok)0.5740.329

WOMWoM1I tend to share with others in SM opinions and feelings about my favorite LBs0.7070.500
WoM2I would like to pass out information on my favorite LBs to my friends on SM0.6940.482
WoM3I usually leave a comment when I like the information regarding my favorite LBs in SM0.8400.706
WoM4I would recommend my favorite LBs to other people on SM0.7240.524

PIPI1I believe that SM makes me understand which LBs I favor most0.5730.328
PI2I believe that SM raises my awareness about new attributes of LBs0.5630.317
PI3SM reminds me to buy my favorite LBs more often0.7870.620
PI4I would consider purchasing LBs directly from SM in the future0.7910.626

Note: LBA = luxury brand attachment; PI = purchase intentions; SMU = social media use; MOT = motivation; WOM = word-of-mouth; SMC = squared multiple correlation.