Research Article

Comparative Transcriptomic Analyses of a Vero Cell Line in Suspension versus Adherent Culture Conditions

Table 1

Key upregulated networks and their top-associated genes (NTA) (subnetwork layouts in Figure 6).

Pathway GO IDPathway GO nameAdjusted -valueTop-ranking associated genes

GO:0042221Response to chemical1.4515-9CRYAB, RHOU, ESR1, GRIN2A
GO:0048731System development1.4515-9CRYAB, ESR1, C3, GRIN2A
GO:0023052Signaling5.052-9PILRA, CRYAB, RHOU, ESR1, C3, GRIN2A, ATP2B2
GO:0009605Response to external stimulus5.052-9ESR1, C3, GRIN2A
GO:0009653Anatomical structure morphogenesis5.052-9CRYAB, RHOU, ESR1, C3
GO:0007154Cell communication1.5582-8PILRA, CRYAB, RHOU, ESR1, C3, GRIN2A
GO:0007155Cell adhesion1.7218-8CDH18