Research Article

The Use of Noninvasive Velacur® for Discriminating between Volunteers and Patients with Chronic Liver Disease: A Feasibility Study

Table 2

Velacur™ and FibroScan® assessments of LSM and attenuation parameters in healthy controls and patients.

HealthyPatients (all) value (where applicable)Patients (NAFLD)Patients (HCV SVR) value (where applicable)

Velacur™ stiffness<0.0001.0.036
FibroScan® stiffness<0.00010.202
FibroScan® probe used (92%), (47%), <0.0001 (37%), (72%), 0.0025
Velacur™ ACE<0.00010.084
FibroScan® CAP<0.0001<0.0001