Research Article

Ameliorative Effect of Olea europaea Leaf Extract on Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in the Rat Model

Figure 8

Effect of cisplatin and/or OELE on kidney histology of experimental groups: (a) section from the normal control group show normal renal tissues, (b, c) tissue sections from cisplatin-treated rats show renal tissues with moderate interstitial inflammatory cells mainly lymphocytes with multiple foci of tubulitis, (d–f) tissue sections from cisplatin-treated rats show renal tissues with multiple foci of coagulative necrosis and calcification, (g) tissue section from cisplatin-treated rats which received a dose of 150 mg/kg of the extracted Olea europaea leaves shows renal tissues with mild and hemorrhage interstitial inflammatory cells, (h) tissue section from cisplatin-treated rats which received a dose of 300 mg/kg of the extracted Olea europaea leaves shows renal tissues with mild interstitial inflammatory cells, (i) tissue section from normal rats received a Doe of 300 mg/kg of the extracted Olea europaea leaves alone shows normal renal tissues, and (j) tissue section from normal rats received a dose of 150 mg/kg of the extracted Olea europaea leaves shows normal renal tissues.