Research Article

Immunophenotypic Characterization of Citrate-Containing A Concentrates in Maintenance Hemodialysis: A Pre-Post Study

Figure 2

Absolute numbers of leucocytes (a) and T-lymphocyte phenotypes (b‐j) before and after citrate‐acidifed A concentrate dialysis for three months. Histograms present means with the standard error mean for 61 patients for (b) CD3 + cells, (c) CD3 + CD4 + T cells (d) CD3 + CD8 + Tcells, (e) CD3 + CD4/CD8 ratios, (f) Lymphocyte counts (g) CD3 + CD4 + CD69 + activated T cells, (h) CD3 + CD8 + CD69 activated T cells, (i) CD3 + CD4 + CD28 + activated T cells, (j) CD3 + CD8 + CD28 + activated T cells, respectively. P < 0.05 was considered significant due to the exploratory design of the study.