Research Article

Prioritising Actions for Improving Classroom Air Quality Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process: Case Studies in China and the UK

Figure 10

Indicator weights obtained from questionnaires accomplished by respondents from classrooms with and without air-conditioning (green bar charts for China and blue bar charts for the UK). B1: policy; B2: technology; B3: information sharing; C1: dedication of a budget from the government to improve IAQ in primary schools; C2: introducing a school policy for CAQ; C3: introducing a procedure for monitoring and auditing the CAQ; C4: providing green infrastructure to reduce outdoor pollution and enhance IAQ (e.g., green hedges and plants); C5: using natural ventilation to improve IAQ (e.g., opening windows); C6: using natural ventilation together with indoor air purifiers to improve IAQ; C7: using mechanical ventilation to improve the IAQ in classrooms; C8: regular housekeeping in classrooms and regular cleaning of the air supply equipment to enhance IAQ; C9: sharing on-screen display of the status of IAQ for teachers/pupils and parents; C10: reporting the IAQ regularly in the school meetings and communicating the action plans to enhance IAQ in classrooms.
(a) Level 2 measures and weights in China
(b) Level 3 measures and weights in China
(c) Level 2 measures and weights in the UK
(d) Level 4 measures and weights in China