Research Article

Prioritising Actions for Improving Classroom Air Quality Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process: Case Studies in China and the UK

Table 1

Measures improving CAQ.


Category I: policy
1Dedication of a budget from the government to improve IAQ in primary schools[76, 93]
2Introducing a school policy for CAQ[87, 94, 100]
3Introducing a procedure for monitoring and auditing the CAQ[94]
4Restricting the most polluting vehicles around schools and pedestrianisation by school entrances[76, 87]
5Creating clean air zones through school streets, anti-idling campaigns, and more appropriate locations of drop-off and pick-up points[88ā€“91]
6Local road layouts changes and careful selection of new school sites[76, 90]
7Designate an IAQ coordinator to check on clean air measures[93, 94]

Category II: device and operating strategy
8Using natural ventilation to improve IAQ (e.g., opening window)[55, 56]
9Using natural ventilation together with indoor air purifiers to improve IAQ[27, 60, 61, 101]
10Using mechanical ventilation to improve the IAQ in classrooms[64, 65, 86]
11Regular housekeeping in classrooms and regular cleaning of the air supply equipment to enhance IAQ[87, 100, 102]
12Improve ventilation behaviour patterns and cleaning practices[57, 103, 104]
13Place fans in windows to exhaust room air to the outdoors[66]

Category III: infrastructural change
14Providing green infrastructure to reduce outdoor pollution and enhance IAQ (e.g., green hedges and plants)[70, 71, 76, 91, 105]
15Introducing new HVAC systems[77]
16Replacement of building materials, furniture, and windows[77ā€“79]
17Renovation of building envelopes[83]

Category IV: information sharing
18Sharing on-screen display of the status of IAQ for teachers/pupils and parents[30, 31]
19Reporting the IAQ regularly in the school meetings and communicating the action plans to enhance IAQ in classrooms[84]
20Awareness raising of the importance and influence of the IAQ in schools and children[98, 99]