Review Article

Current Status and Future Prospects of Small-Scale Household Biodigesters in Sub-Saharan Africa

Table 6

Comparison of biogas yield and electricity produced from different potential substrates [10].

TypeBiogas yield (Nm3 ton FM-1)Electricity produced (kWh ton FM-1)

Cattle dung55–68122.5
Chicken litter/dung126257.3
Food waste110224.6
Fruit wastes74151.6
Horse manure56114.3
Maize silage200/220409.6
Municipal solid waste101.5207.2
Pig slurry11–2523.5
Sewage sludge4796.0

FM = fresh matter. Heating value 21 MJ m−3, 55% methane content, and 3.6 MJ (kW·h) −1.