Research Article

Biopriming of Momordica charantia Seeds with Enterobacter to Improve Nutritional and Biochemical Attributes

Table 5

Phenolic acid profile of M. charantia leaves and fruit after treatment with Enterobacter strain FD17 by HPLC.

Sr. no.Phenolic acidsRetention time (min)Concentration (ppm)
Control leafFD17 treated leafControl fruitFD17 treated fruit

2Benzoic acid14.651.6440.81NDND
3Chlorogenic acid15.875.19NDND6.08
4Syringic acid17.013.31NDNDND
5M-coumaric acid19.735.81NDND2.22
6Cinnamic acid24.7116.25ND11.58ND
7Sinapic acid26.19ND6.6314.784.17

ND: not detected.