Research Article

Age- and Diet-Dependent Changes in Hepatic Lipidomic Profiles of Phospholipids in Male Mice: Age Acceleration in Cyp2b-Null Mice

Figure 5

Changes in n-6 : n-3 ratios between treatment groups. Data are presented as . Statistical significance was determined by one-way ANOVA multiple comparison test with Tukey’s as the post hoc test (). “a” indicates age difference between young (4.5 mo) and old (9 mo) mice within the same genotype and diet group, “c” indicates difference between HFD-fed young (4.5 mo) and ND-fed old (9 mo) mice within same genotype, “d” indicates diet difference between ND-fed and HFD-fed mice within in same genotype and age, and “g” indicates genotype difference between WT and Cyp2b-null mice within same diet and age group. No asterisk indicates a value < 0.05, and indicates a value <0.01.