Research Article

Aberrant Glycosylation in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma 3D Organoids Is Mediated by KRAS Mutations

Figure 4

Comparison of glycosylation-related genes expression based on the result of RNA-seq between KRAS mutant and KRAS wild-type organoids. (a) The principal component analysis of gene expression data (glycosyltransferase n = 212) for the 16 organoids. Red and blue dots and circles are indicated to KRAS mutation positive organoids and KRAS wild organoids, respectively. (b) The volcano plot of mRNA differential expressions in KRAS mutation organoids and KRAS wild organoids represents fold change and values on x- and y-axis, respectively. The vertical red and blue lines represent a fold-change cutoff of ≥2.0. (c) List with t values of fucosyltransferase between KRAS mutation positive organoids and KRAS wild organoids. Statistically significant differences are calculated by unpaired student’s t test and are selected. (d) The FUT6 mRNA expression from RNA seq, and the list of details of results. .