Review Article

Systematic Review and Psychometric Properties Analysis of First-, Middle-, and Top-Level Nurse Manager’s Core Competencies Instruments

Table 1

Literature search terms.

DatabaseSearch termsNumber of articles (n = 789)

(“assess”[all fields] OR (“evalua”[all fields])) AND “competenc”[all fields] AND “nurse administrator”[MeSH terms] OR “nurse”[all fields] AND “nurse administrator”[all fields] OR (“nurs”[all fields] AND “manager”[all fields]) OR “nurse manage”[all fields] OR (“nurse lead”[Journal] AND (“coordinat”[all fields] OR (“nurse administrat”[MeSH terms] AND “executive”[all fields]) OR “nurse executive”[all fields])) AND “tool”[all fields] OR “instrument”[all fields] OR (“scale”[all fields] AND “measure”[all fields]) OR “inventor”[all fields] OR “questionnaire”[all fields] OR (“survey”[all fields])351

ScopusTITLE-ABS-KEY ((assessment OR evaluation OR monitoring) AND (competenc) AND (nurse AND manager OR nurse AND leader OR nurse AND coordinator OR nurse AND executive OR nurse AND administrator) AND (tool OR instrument OR scale OR inventory OR questionnaire))81

APA PsycINFO((any field: assessment OR any field: evaluation OR any field: monitoring) AND (any field: competenc) AND (any field: nurse AND any field: manager OR any field: nurse AND any field: leader OR any field: nurse AND any field: coordinator OR any field: nurse AND any field: executive OR any field: nurse AND any field: administrator) AND (any field: tool OR any field: instrument OR any field: scale OR any field: inventory OR any field: questionnaire))108