Research Article

Advanced Periocular Basal Cell Carcinoma with Orbital Invasion: Update on Management and Treatment Advances

Figure 3

(a) Recurrent basal cell carcinoma (patient 15), treated with surgery and RT. Severely damaged ocular surface due to RT. Dark colored mass adherent to deep planes and limitation of ocular motility (arrow). (b) Computed axial tomography shows a soft tissue mass in the right medial canthus of the orbit. It presents a slight contrast uptake with irregular margins in the medial orbital space. The lesion produces a loss of continuity of the insertion of the internal rectus muscle (arrow). Suspicion of cortical bone involvement. (c–e). After exenteration, multiples areas of bone erosion in the orbital medial wall are found (circle), which is extracted in bloc for histopathological study that will confirm its infiltration by the tumor.