Research Article

Impact of Dyslipidemia on Tear Film and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction: A Cross-Sectional Study of the Interplay between Serum Lipid Profile and Ocular Surface Health

Figure 1

Box and whisker plots representing the association between dyslipidemia and DED symptoms and signs: (a) TMH for patients with low (<200 mg/dl) (left) and high (>200 mg/dl) (right) TC levels, (b) L-LAMG for patients with low (<200 mg/dl) (left) and high (>200 mg/dl) (right) TC levels, (c) DEQ-5 scores for patients with low (<200 mg/dl) (left) and high (>200 mg/dl) (right) TC levels, and (d) LLG for patients with low (left) (<40 mg/dl) and high (right) (>40 mg/dl) HDL levels. Each plot depicts the median, quartiles, and outliers for each group. DEQ-5: dry eye questionnaire-5; HDL: high-density lipoprotein; L-LAMG: lower loss area meibomian glands; LLG: lipid layer grade; TC: total cholesterol; and TMH: tear meniscus height.