Research Article

Exploring the Impact of a Global Pandemic (COVID-19) on Factors Impacting the Resilience of Top-Tier London Hockey Players

Table 6

Nutritional themes around food intake during lockdown.

ThemesSubthemesExample quotations

Improvement/deterioration (opportunity)Time“In regard to timing, I am still eating at similar times.”
“I’m in better physical and nutritional shape in lockdown due to extended time to cater for myself”
“More time to cook. No hockey training or socialising means meals can be regular and planned”
“Eat less, at more consistent times each day (3 meals a day at regular times) and balance of diet improved but eating more”
“Consistency and always home-cooked”
“Taking more care to eat healthier options and at regular intervals. Drinking alcohol in much lower quantities”
Quality“Eating more at home has led to cutting out on processed meals”
“More fresh produce, more time to cook from scratch”
“Improved in terms of nutrition and variety”
“I’d say the quality has got better as has the experience of making it. More time in the kitchen with my wife creating new habits”
“Lower quality lunches. More evening snacks”

Food access (opportunity)Emotional eating“Boredom eating, finding shopping for things irritating so picking up snacks etc. as a reward”
“I have become much more aware of what I’m eating and often not in a very health (sic) way”
“Comfort eating. More chocolate
Diet adaptation“I’m vegan and at points certain foodstuff were hard to get hold of I felt I should not go to multiple shops and so I curtailed my normal buying habits”
“Changed to a vegan diet and eating at more regular times”
“Major change is that I have started taking creatine preworkout before gym sessions, and drinking protein shakes after gym sessions and eating more protein bars”