Research Article

Applied Electric Fields Polarize Initiation and Growth of Endothelial Sprouts

Figure 6

EFs direct sprout initiation toward the anode. (●) DC EFs significantly polarize sprout initiation toward the anode at 50 mV/mm and increase anodal initiation at 155 and 360 mV/mm. (○) Polarized initiation toward the anode at 360 mV/mm in the closed channels, where there is no net fluid flow, is not statistically different than initiation in the open channels at the same field strength (). (△) Pulsed EFs of 360 mV/mm with alternating direction, possessing a time-averaged EF of 0 mV/mm, showed no difference in the direction of initiation. Unidirectional pulsed EFs of 360 mV/mm with 14.3% and 50% duty cycles with time-averaged EFs of 51.4 and 180 mV/mm, respectively, significantly polarize sprout initiation toward the anode ( and ).