Research Article

Varying Properties of Extracellular Matrix Grafts Impact Their Durability and Cell Attachment and Proliferation in an In Vitro Chronic Wound Model

Figure 3

Characterization of PCMP and PCMP-XT after exposure to chronic wound model (SWF+). (a, b) Histological assessment of PCMP and PCMP-XT after 3 and 7 days in SWF+. 20x magnification shown; scale bar indicates 50 μm. (c) Soluble and (d) insoluble collagen content of PCMP and PCMP-XT after 3 and 7 days in SWF+ and (e) extraction efficiency. Mechanical properties of intact and 3-day degraded PCMP and PCMP-XT: (f) load, (g) modulus, and (h) strain. Bars represent average ± standard deviation; points represent individual measurements (n = 3 per graft for collagen content; n = 8–10 for mechanical testing). Asterisks denote significance at , , , and .