Research Article

Varying Properties of Extracellular Matrix Grafts Impact Their Durability and Cell Attachment and Proliferation in an In Vitro Chronic Wound Model

Figure 4

Scaffold properties of PCMP and PCMP-XT intact and after exposure to the in vitro chronic wound model. “Initial cell attachment (a) and increasing cell number over time (b) with static and dynamic seeding of fibroblasts on intact ECM matrices. (c) Representative immunofluorescence (Calcein AM) of fibroblasts attached to scaffolds 3 and 7 days after dynamic seeding. (d) Fibroblast attachment 24 hours after static seeding onto intact, 3-day, and 5-day degraded PCMP and PCMP-XT. (e) Representative DAPI-stained (blue) images of fibroblast attachment to degraded matrices. Bars represent average ± standard deviation; points represent average result of three replicates from n = 2 independent cell lots. Asterisks denote significance at , , , or . 20x magnification shown; scale bar indicates 50 μm; solid bars = static seeding and hashed bars = dynamic seeding.