Research Article

Immuno-PET Imaging of Siglec-15 Using the Zirconium-89-Labeled Therapeutic Antibody, NC318

Figure 8

(a) Representative images of Siglec-15 (S15) IHC and dual immunofluorescence staining (NUMA1&S15) of 624-MEL+S15, LOX IMIV, HCC-827, and 624-MEL WT tumors from xenograft mice to distinguish positive Siglec-15 (+S15) human tumor cells (green (NUMA1, human nuclear marker) and pink (+S15)) from mouse +S15 immune cells in the TME (blue (mouse) and pink (+S15)); white arrows identify human tumor cells (NUMA(+)) positive for S15. (b) Quantification of human tumor cells positive for S15 (% NUMA(+)) and murine +S15 cells (% NUMA(-)) of each tumor type from dual immunofluorescence stained images; each bar represents the (, 624-MEL+S15 tumors; , LOX IMIV, HCC-827, or 624-MEL WT tumors).