Research Article

Complications of Extended Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection in Patients Undergoing Minimally Invasive Radical Prostatectomy: Analysis and Risk Factors

Table 2

Univariate analysis of anatomopathological characteristics and the occurrence of postoperative complications.

VariablesPresence of postoperative complications-valueTotal (n = 124)
Absent (n = 84)Present (n = 40)

Anatomopathological variables
Postoperative ISUP0.949Q
 Differentiated32 (38.1%)15 (37,5%)47 (37,9%)
 Undifferentiated52 (61,9%)25 (62,5%)77 (62,1%)
Number of lymph nodes removed (n = 121)9 (6; 12)9 (7; 13)0.934W9 (6; 12)
Positive lymph nodes26 (31%)9 (22,5%)0.445Q35 (28,2%)
Extra-prostatic disease49 (58.3%)26 (65%)0.608Q75 (60,5%)
Positive seminal vesicles23 (27.4%)14 (35%)0.511Q37 (29,8%)
Positive margins34 (40.5%)12 (30%)0.352Q46 (37,1%)
TNM Staging0.078M
 I5 (6.0%)0 (0,0%)5 (4,0%)
 II25 (29.8%)9 (22,5%)34 (27,4%)
 III28 (33.3%)22 (55,0%)50 (40,3%)
 IV26 (31.0%)9 (22,5%)35 (28,2%)
 Grouped staging0.138Q
 Initial (I + II)30 (35.7%)9 (22,5%)39 (31,5%)
 Advanced (III + IV)54 (64.3%)31 (77,5%)85 (68,5%)

W Wilcoxon Mann–Whitney test, Q Chi-Square test, M adjusted (Monte Carlo) Chi-square test. n is less than the total number of patients because the number of lymph nodes removed in three patients was not described.