Research Article

Clinical and Imaging Characteristics of Smear Negative Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients: A Comparative Study

Table 1

Patients’ classification based on concentrated smear microscopy (from AHRIL) and clinical diagnosis (from health centers), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2021.

Classification of patients based on diagnoses at health centersClassification of patients based on AHRIL’s AFB result
SPPTB (controls)SNPTB (cases)Total

TB diagnosis confirmed by
Not indicated79.1927.31612.6

 SNPTBClinical and imaging findings6196.713294.319395.1
Not indicated23.285.7104.9

SNPTB: smear negative pulmonary tuberculosis; SPPTB: smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis; AHRIL: Armauer Hansen Research Institute’s laboratory. Patients with negative laboratory result either by AFS, GeneXpert, or classified as SNPTB without any laboratory diagnosis at the health centers.