Research Article

Assessment of Antitick and Repellent Activity of Azadirachta indica Oil against Adults and Larvae Stages of Rhipicephalus microplus

Table 1

Dose-response data of therapeutic grade A. indica oil and fipronil against adults of R. microplus.

Concentrations (%)Number of ticks treatedWeight of ticks (mg) (mean ± SE)Mortality of ticks (%)Egg mass (mg) (mean ± SE)RIIO (%)

A. indica oil0.625152863 ± 0.00713.33626 ± 0.00121.8661.3
1.25152894 ± 0.00333.33580 ± 0.00320.0466.4
2.5152770 ± 0.00360.0523 ± 0.00218.8868.3
5151761 ± 0.00873.33280 ± 0.00315.9073.3
10151998 ± 0.06786.66154 ± 0.0027.7087.1
Control152929 ± 0.0290.01750 ± 2.8859.740.0

Fipronil0.59152477 ± 0.01726.66870 ± 0.01035.1242.4
1.18152477 ± 0.00946.66830 ± 0.00633.5045.1
2.36152437 ± 0.01986.66235 ± 0.0089.6484.20
4.73152352 ± 0.05499.330.00.0100
Control152767 ± 0.0170.01689 ± 0.03261.040.0

RI = reproductive index; IO (%) = inhibition of oviposition.