Research Article

Efficient Non-Viral Integration and Stable Gene Expression in Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells

Figure 4

MAPC maintain their stem-cell character and the ability to differentiate following genetic engineering. (a) Karyotypic analysis of pooled G418-resistant cells; the number of mitotic spreads containing the number of chromosomes indicated on the abscissa is indicated. Absence of aneuploid or diploid cells indicates no gross karyotypic anomalies or aberrant cell-cycle activity in the analyzed cells. (b) MAPCs are small spindle-shaped cells that are cultured at very low density. Morphological changes following differentiation into liver and endothelium for two weeks as described in Section 2 show significant difference between cells LUC-, Int- or SB-treated cells. (c) RT-PCR analysis of the differentiated cells shows the presence of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and transthyretin (TTR) for liver differentiation, and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 (Flt1) and endothelial-derived gene-1 (Eg1) for differentiation into endothelium. Rat liver was used as a positive control for liver and endothelial markers and undifferentiated MAPC used as the negative control.