Research Article

Human Umbilical Cord Perivascular Cells Prevent Tumor Growth in a Melanoma Tumor-Bearing Mouse Model and Modulate Breast Cancer and Melanoma Cells in a Cell Line-Dependent Manner In Vitro

Figure 7

HUCPVC indirect coculture with SK-Mel-28 and A375 melanoma cells. (a–e) 2 × 106 melanoma cells were seeded in bottom wells with 1.5 × 104 HUCPVC or media only (−) in transwells. CCK8 growth assays were performed at 72 hr for (b) SK-Mel-28 and (c) A375 melanoma cells. OD was measured at 450 nm. Data presented as fold change relative to control, n = 3 per group. LDH release from (d) SK-Mel-28 and (e) A375 cells at 72 hr was measured via cytotoxicity detection assay. OD was measured at 450 nm, n = 3 per group. (f and g) 1 × 106 (f) SK-Mel-28 or (g) A375 were seeded in serum-free media in Matrigel-coated transwells with bottom wells containing media only (−) or 1 × 104 HUCPVC. Cancer cells invading through Matrigel were stained with cell tracker green and invasion was assessed after 72 hr. Relative fluorescence was read to measure invasiness, n = 3 per group. (h–k) After 120 hr in indirect coculture with HUCPVC, SK-Mel-28 expression of (h) CCND1 and (i) p53 and A375 expression of (j) CCND1 and (k) p53 were measured. Data presented as fold change relative to untreated control cells, n = 3 per group. , , . Error bars represent SD. Scare bar = 125 microns.