Research Article

Intra-Tester and Inter-Tester Reliability of the Lachmeter When Measuring Knee Joint Laxity

Table 3

Intra-tester reliability for measurements of anterior tibial translation (mm) in ACL patients (n = 6) performed on 2 separate days.

TesterGripLegDif. between day 1 and day 2 mean (SD) [95% CI]Between test valueAverage ICC [95% CI]Interpretation of ICCSEMSDC

Tester 1L gripNon-dominant day 1 vs. 20.30 (1.28) [−1.04; 1.63]0.590.80 [−0.21; 0.97]Good reliability0.571.59
Dominant day 1 vs. 20.59 (0.78) [−0.24; 1.41]0.130.96 [0.74; 0.99]Excellent reliability0.160.43
AD gripNon-dominant day 1 vs. 20.20 (0.72) [−0.56; 0.95]0.530.96 [0.77; 0.99]Excellent reliability0.140.40
Dominant day 1 vs. 21.37 (1.58) [−0.29; 3.02]0.090.82 [−0.09; 0.98]Good reliability0.671.86
L gripSide-to-side day 1 vs. 20.49 (0.67) [−0.21; 1.20]0.130.95 [0.69; 0.99]Excellent reliability0.150.42
AD gripSide-to-side day 1 vs. 2−0.47 (1.61) [−2.17; 1.23]0.510.70 [−0.82; 0.96]Moderate reliability0.882.44

Tester 2L gripNon-dominant day 1 vs. 21.35 (1.42) [−0.14; 2.84]0.070.77 [−0.35; 0.97]Good reliability0.681.89
Dominant day 1 vs. 2−0.25 (1.54) [−1.86; 1.37]0.710.92 [0.51; 0.99]Excellent reliability0.441.21
AD gripNon-dominant day 1 vs. 20.58 (0.77) [−0.23; 1.39]0.130.90 [0.38; 0.99]Good reliability0.240.67
Dominant day 1 vs. 2−0.18 (0.80) [−1.02; 0.65]0.600.97 [0.81; 0.99]Excellent reliability0.140.38
L gripSide-to-side day 1 vs. 2−0.44 (1.12) [−1.61; 0.74]0.380.69 [−0.85; 0.95]Moderate reliability0.621.73
AD gripSide-to-side day 1 vs. 20.14 (1.10) [−1.02; 1.29]0.780.26 [−3.43; 0.89]Poor reliability0.952.62

L grip: Lachman grip; AD grip: anterior drawer grip; ICC: intra-class correlation coefficient; SEM: standard error of measurement. Anterior tibial translation was measured in mm, and the difference between day 1 and 2 is presented in ACL patients (n = 6). values correspond to the results from using Student’s paired t-test to test for differences between test 1 and test 2.