Research Article

Intra-Tester and Inter-Tester Reliability of the Lachmeter When Measuring Knee Joint Laxity

Table 6

Comparison of mean side-to-side difference between healthy subjects (n = 23) and ACL patients (n = 6).

TesterGripControl side-to-side mean (SD) [95% CI]ACL side-to-side mean (SD) [95% CI] value

Tester 1L grip1.07 (0.84) [0.82; 1.32]2.23 (1.72) [1.14; 3.32]<0.01
AD grip1.41 (0.93) [1.14; 1.69]2.08 (1.57) [1.09; 3.08]0.06

Tester 2L grip1.04 (0.68) [0.84; 1.24]2.67 (1.16) [1.97; 3.38]<0.01
AD grip1.13 (0.72) [0.92; 1.11]1.60 (0.77) [1.11; 2.09]0.05

L grip: Lachman grip; AD grip: anterior drawer grip. Anterior tibial translation was measured in mm and presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD) for healthy subjects and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) patients. values correspond to the results from using Student’s unpaired t-test to test for differences between the groups.