Research Article

Longitudinal Monitoring of Biomechanical and Psychological State in Collegiate Female Basketball Athletes Using Principal Component Analysis

Table 1

Descriptive statistics of biomechanical and psychological state metrics stratified by study year.

MeasureStudy year 2021-2022Study year 2022-2023

Total impact load (sum of steps at each intensity in g’s)72,15025,76683,87333,751
Total step count6004119967051549
Ave. intensity (g)11.832.7212.303.37
Impact Asym. (%)4.323.363.773.36
Low-G Asym. (%)
Medium-G Asym. (%)3.772.863.132.60
High-G Asym. (%)7.275.446.575.97
Jump height (m)
CMD (m)−0.280.04−0.280.04
Time to takeoff (s)0.840.110.790.10
Pk Rel. Brk power (W/kg)−13.843.19−14.512.99
Pk Rel. Prop power (W/kg)39.905.0341.915.74
Pk Brk force Asym. (%)5.584.885.434.12
Pk Prop force Asym. (%)3.743.113.703.07
Ave. Brk RFD Asym. (%)9.698.038.816.53
Pk Lnd force Asym. (%)11.249.349.7010.17
RSI Mod. (JH/contact time)
Academic workload (0–10)5.851.845.282.38
Feeling (0–10)6.361.525.881.60
Sleep quantity–PSQI component 3 (0–3)N/AN/A0.580.74
Sleep quality–PSQI component 1 (0–3)N/AN/A0.990.75
Pain (0–10)2.991.501.361.69

SD = standard deviation; Ave. = average; Asym. = asymmetry; CMD = countermovement depth; Pk = peak; Rel. = relative; Brk = braking; Prop = propulsive; RFD = rate of force development; Lnd = landing; RSI Mod. = the modified reactive strength index; PSQI = Pittsburgh sleep quality index. Note. Asymmetry metrics computed as absolute values to demonstrate the within- and between-season variability in the magnitude of asymmetry across a team but is blinded to the nuances of fluctuations in limb dominance in doing so. Sleep quantity and quality collected too inconsistently in season one to report and provide between-season comparisons. Higher scores in feeling represent better mental health, while higher scores in academic workload and pain represent a greater workload and level of perceived pain, respectively. Lower scores on sleep scales represent greater sleep quality and quantity.