Research Article

Early T-Cell Precursor Leukemia Has a Higher Risk of Induction-Related Infection among T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Adult

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of T-ALL adult patients.

CharacteristicsETPNon-ETP value

Age25 (19-33)24 (17-32)0.131
 Median (IQR)
Laboratory values
 Median (IQR)
WBC count (/L)8.15 (3.13-66.07)92.84 (13.36-187.29)<0.001
Neutrophil count (/L)1.35 (0.73-5.03)8.70 (4.13-14.38)<0.001
Platelet count (/L)145 (76.76-198.5)42 (24-147.5)<0.001
Hemoglobin (g/dL)102 (68.75-124.5)116 (92.5-131.5)0.117
LDH (IU/L)270 (176.75-417.75)1229 (425-2154.25)<0.001
Duration of neutropenia13 (9.25-18.75)5 (0-10)<0.001
BM meyloid percentage13.35 (2.87-38.8)35.31 (9.28-62.25)0.007
Response to induction
Death in induction430.593

Quantitative variables are expressed as median (IQR range). IQR: interquartile range; WBC: white blood cell; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; BM: bone marrow; BM myeloid percentage: identified by flow cytometry and aspirate smear by Wright-Giemsa stain on bone marrow samples at diagnosis and measured as the mean plus or minus the standard deviation; CR: complete response after the first treatment; PR: partial response after the first treatment.