Research Article

Distinct Murine Pancreatic Transcriptomic Signatures during Chronic Pancreatitis Recovery

Table 2

DEGs specific to CPR.

GroupNo. of DEGsDEGs

UP in CPR31Agr2, Thbs4, Lyz1, D630003M21Rik, Plekhh2, Slc6a2, Prr33, Cldn2, Tmod2, Tnfrsf18, Col8a2, Hap1, Mboat1, Eif5a2, Dnm1, 3110039I08Rik, Sema6a, Golm1, Coro2a, Rnasel, Wdr78, Ptgir, Pde4b, Speg, Dnm3, Elovl6, Nrp2, Slc37a2, Pde3a, Piezo2, Dbp

DN in CPR3Nsg1, Car4, Clec11a


UP: upregulated; DN: downregulated. DEGs were listed in an order of Log2(fold change) value high to low.