Research Article

Perilla Leaf Extract Attenuates Asthma Airway Inflammation by Blocking the Syk Pathway

Figure 6

PLE attenuated allergic inflammation by targeting Syk in DNP-IgE/BSA-induced RBL-2H3 cell in vitro. (a) (A) Images (magnification, ×200) of Syk expression and (B) their relative fluorescence intensities determined by IF staining (). (b) The expression of Syk cotreating with PLE and BAY61-3606 detected by WB (). (c) (A) Images of (magnification, ×200) p-Syk expression and (B) their relative fluorescence intensities determined by IF staining (). (d) The expression of p-Syk cotreating with PLE and BAY61-3606 detected by WB (). (e–j) The expression of PKC, p-PKC, p65, p-p65, cPLA2, and p-cPLA2 cotreating with PLE and BAY61-3606 detected by WB (). (k–p) The expression of Syk and p-Syk cotreating with PLE and Rottlerin, BAY11-7082, and ATK detected by WB (). ##vs. the control group; and vs. the model group.