Research Article

Enhanced H3K4 Trimethylation in TNF-α Promoter Gene Locus with Cell Apoptosis in the Ventral-Medial Striatum following Opioid Withdrawal of Neonatal Rat Offspring from Morphine-Addicted Mothers

Figure 4

Prenatal opioid exposure activated differential enhancement of H3K4me3 in the tnf-α promoter gene locus in the ventral-medial striatum. (a) The figure demonstrated the subregions relative to the transcription start site of tnf-α promoter gene locus as follows: tnf-α 1 (−2667 to −2686), tnf-α 2 (−2183 to −2202), tnf-α 3 (−1653 to −1672), tnf-α 4 (−174 to −496), and tnf-α 5 (−205 to −224). (b) The panel illustrations indicate representative ChIP assay of the levels of trimethylated H3K4 in the tnf-α promoter gene locus at the subregions. The insets a, b, and c are as follows: the control group ( rats), the early group ( rats), and the late group ( rats). (c) The effects of prenatal opioid exposure in trimethylated H3K4 levels in the tnf-α promoter gene is summarized in three groups as described above. The DNA input signal served as the internal loading control and was not significantly different across lanes. Scatted dots represent the data points in each group. , compared to the control group. #, compared to the early group.