Research Article

Integrative Analysis of Clinical and Bioinformatics Databases to Reveal the Role of Peripheral Innate Immunity in Kawasaki Disease

Table 1

Enrolled datasets in the current study.

DatasetsTypePlatformSample size (Control/KD)Cells (Control/KD)Reference

GSE168732scRNA sequencingGLP18753 Illumina NextSeq 500
(Homo sapiens)
GSE152450scRNA sequencingGPL24676 Illumina NovaSeq6000
(Homo sapiens)
GSE18606RNA microarrayGPL8328 SMD Print-85320/9ā€“[19]
GSE63881RNA microarrayGPL10558 Illumina human HT-12 V4.0 expression beadchip171/170ā€“[20]