Research Article

VEILND (Video Endoscopic Inguinal Lymph Node Dissection) with Florescence Indocyanine Green (ICG): A Novel Technique to Identify the Sentinel Lymph Node in Men with ≥pT1G2 and cN0 Penile Cancer

Figure 1

FDG PET MRI of both groins. A 69-year-old man underwent total penectomy for HPV-induced keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma pT2 G1 cN0 (nonpalpable LNs in groins), but positive on FDG PET MRI. VEILND with ICG on both sides performed, metastasis described on histopathology in SLN of the left groin. Maximal standardised uptake value (SUVmax) of penile cancer was 20.9; lymph node in the right groin 5.3, left 5.1. (a) To the distal part of penis. (b) To the prepubic area in a man with a history of total penectomy.