Research Article

Diagnosis and Treatment Effect of Convolutional Neural Network-Based Magnetic Resonance Image Features on Severe Stroke and Mental State

Table 1

Brain MRI imaging features and CSVD scoring criteria [12].

FeatureImaging featuresScoring criteriaScore

WMHT1 showed isointensity or low intensity; T2 or T2 FLAIR showed hyperintensity, followed by Fazekas scale (0–6 points) scoring: paraventricular white matter hyperintensity (PVWMH) scoring and deep white matter hyperintensity (DWMH) scoring.DWMH (Fazekas 2/3 points) and/or PVWMH (Fazekas 3 points)1
CMBThere were round or oval foci in SWI or T2  GRE with signal loss (2∼5 mm < D < 10 mm) but not in other sequences.≥1 CMB1
PVSThe gap surrounded the blood vessel or run parallel to the blood vessel, in a line, round, or oval, D < 3 mm, T1 and FLAIR showed low signal, and T2 showed high signal.PVS in the basal ganglia of grades 2–41
LacunaThere was a lacuna under the round or oval cortex, 3 mm < D < 15 mm, and full of fluid, TIWI, T2WI, and FLAIR showed low signal.≥1 lacuna1
Total score4