Research Article

[Retracted] Investigation on the Effect of Hemodialysis Combined with MDT Multimode Intervention on Renal Fibrosis Degree and Renal Function Improvement in Uremia Patients

Table 2

Changes in renal fibrosis indexes C-IV and FN at different time points ( ± s).

GroupTime pointC-IVFN

Experimental group (n = 59)Pretherapy154.67 ± 30.18118.74 ± 18.53
One month after treatment122.36 ± 19.51132.74 ± 19.63
Three months after treatment103.01 ± 17.10146.34 ± 20.43
Six months after treatment94.36 ± 17.51158.22 ± 30.14

Control group (n = 59)
Pretherapy154.88 ± 32.92116.81 ± 18.62
One month after treatment132.23 ± 21.72127.74 ± 18.34
Three months after treatment122.55 ± 19.87135.74 ± 18.53
Six months after treatment101.23 ± 19.69144.75 ± 30.05
F time point655.564465.443
time point<0.001<0.001
F pointgroup3612.4543212.342