Research Article

[Retracted] Value of Defecography in the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Management of the Modified Wells Procedure for Rectal Prolapse

Table 2

Relationship between different levels of Oxford grading and comorbidity.

ParametersOxford grading (I-II, n = 12)Oxford grading (III–V, n = 60) value

Perineal descent
 Combine5 (41.67)53 (88.33)<0.01
 Not combine7 (58.33)7 (11.67)

 Combine7 (58.33)46 (76.67)0.34
 Not combine5 (41.67)14 (23.33)

Colon redundancy
 Combine4 (33.33)18 (0.3)1
 Not combine8 (66.67)42 (0.7)

Spastic pelvic floor syndrome
 Combine6 (50)2 (3.33)<0.01
 Not combine6 (50)58 (96.6)

Significance was estimated using chi-square test with correction for continuity.