Research Article

[Retracted] Value of Defecography in the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Management of the Modified Wells Procedure for Rectal Prolapse

Table 3

Basic information of patients undergoing surgery (n = 25).

ParametersPatient information

Gender (male/female)9/16
Age (y, )57.8 ± 10.06
Disease course (y, )6.24 ± 2.67
Add PPH procedure [n (%)]19 (76)
Operation time (min, )163.8 ± 45.68
Blood loss (ml, )35.6 ± 10.52
Duration of stay (d, )12.64 ± 3.44
Exhaust time after surgery (d, )2.12 ± 0.71
First defecation time after surgery (d, )4.24 ± 0.81