Review Article

IoT-Based Wearable Devices for Patients Suffering from Alzheimer Disease

Table 11

List of all the papers with their aims and their future scope and limitations.

Author’s name and RefTitleAimTarget stageFuture scope and limitation

(Ahmed and Al-Neami, 2020 [19]) Qayssar a et al.Smart biomedical assisted system for AD patientsWearable device and an IoT platform for the caregiver. Provide continual monitoring for AD patient’s stability state. Capabilities are a reminder for medication time, location display on the map, emergency button call.AD patient
(Roopaei et al., 2018 [20]) Mehdi et al.Wearable IoT with complex artificial perception embedding for AD patientsIoT-based wearable glasses. To assist the patient in recognizing and identifying the people in a patient’s family, colleagues, friends.Memory-impaired (early stage)
(Temitope O. Takpor, Jimmy ademola, Segun I. Popoola, Joke A. Badejo, 2017) Temitope et al. [21]Smart assistive system for adherence of medication for AD patientsAn intelligent assistive system that can help elderly AD patients in medication adherence by an audiovisual alert and via an LCD to see the right medication at the right time.Memory loss disability (Mild stage)For optimal performance, the system can be further miniaturized into a wearable device
(Oliveira et al., 2014)Ana barreto et al. [22]An environment aware system for AD patientsThe aim of the waist-wearable belt device is to monitor the environment humidity and temperature, location and movement of the patient. The caregiver can receive information related to the patient.Late stageTo increase the acceptance rate, the authors stated that the proposed system can be reduced to a smaller size owing to the feedback from many patients that they were uncomfortable to wear.
(Cazangiu et al., 2018) Teodor cazangiu et al. [23]Monitoring device for AD patientsA single sensor for environmental temperature, heart pulse, and atmospheric pressure, and generating the output in a screen to display all those health parameters. And those parameters can be displayed in a smartphone using bluetooth.Moderate stageIn the future, it is suggested by the authors that by using higher-performance sensors, it can be upgraded, and for reducing the device size a PCB is needed.
(Zellefrow et al, 2017) B.Zellefro et al. [24]Assistive technology for AD patients- (halcyon)A wearable smartwatch that is bluetooth-based can monitor and track AD patient along with a connected assistive indoor platform, which then can aid the AD patients during the daily routine.Early stage
(Omar et al., 2019) Kazi Shahrukh Omar et al. [25]An intelligent assistive tool for AD patientsDesigned and developed an integrated autonomous system that includes features such as a reminder for taking medicine, heart condition monitoring, constant monitoring of the patients, and finding lost items of patients. For utilization of that feature, a mobile application is also developed.Moderate stageThe system was built as a prototype and used in an academic environment and therefore, no evaluation study is done with real users. The module of the smart medicine box also has an issue that this cannot work when there is no Wi-Fi connectivity. As future work, it is suggested a few more features may be added and developed in the system of a wearable device to provide more patient’s medical details.
(Hegde et al., 2019) Niharika Hegde et al. [26]An autonomous lower cost tracking device for AD patientsA wearable device using a concept called geofencing and GPS for tracking the real-time location, which can help a caretaker in AD patient tracking has been developed.Early and moderate stagesIn the future, the authors mentioned that more features can be added that are lacking now and improve the system. The intended features to be added are logging of vital signs and monitoring, fall detection, communication in two ways with caregivers. The generated data from these can be used for analyzing and achieving the insights that are useful and can help in providing predictive and preemptive healthcare.
(Gacem et al, 2019) Mohamed ait Gacem et al. [27]Smart assistive glasses for AD patientsSmart glasses are equipped with an AR screen to perform the basic functions of a caretaker. Features are location and detection of the misplaced object and help out the patient to locate what they have seen last, identifying, and showing the relatives and friends names on the screen, monitoring the patient all the time.Early and moderate stagesThe smart glasses were developed as a prototype and suggested to a practical solution in the future that can help AD patients.
(Chen et al, 2018)Wu-Lin Chen et al. [28]Smart wearable glassesSmart glasses is a warning system for behavioral difference for dementia warning and early depression.Early stageThis wearable device can be useful in recognizing daily movements such as running, walking, standing, lying down, sitting, and many other movements.