Review Article

IoT-Based Wearable Devices for Patients Suffering from Alzheimer Disease

Table 4

Feature comparison of the wearable devices.

SNWearable deviceDesign aspects

1Smart biomedical systemImplemented and designed with low-cost components but no miniaturize to wearable device
2Smart glassesProposed but not developed the wearable device
3Smart assistive mhealth systemImplemented and designed components but no miniaturize to wearable device
4Environment aware systemWearable waist-bag device
5AD-patient monitoring deviceNot wearable, autodesk FUSION 360 and a 3D printer is used for designing the case and printing it.
6Halcyon deviceTag is used for detection of patient’s engagement with home appliances
7Intelligent assistive toolThe system built as a prototype
8Autonomous tracking deviceDesign approached
9Smart assistive glassesPrototype designed
10Smart glassesPrototype designed