Review Article

IoT-Based Wearable Devices for Patients Suffering from Alzheimer Disease

Table 7

The user interface of wearable device.

SNWearable deviceMobile supported OSRemarksConnection

1Smart biomedical systemMobile app androidNullWi-Fi, Bluetooth, GSM
2Smart glassesNoWearable IoT with complex artificial perception embedding for AD patientsN/A
3Smart assistive mhealth systemNoFor optimal performance, the system can be further miniaturized into a wearable deviceGSM, SIM (SMS is used to send message)
4Environment aware systemAndroid applicationTo increase the acceptance, rate the authors stated that the proposed system can be decreased to a smaller size due to the feedback was uncomfortable by many of the patients.DFRobot GPS/GPRS/GSM shield V3.0
5AD-patient monitoring deviceSoftware was written into AppInventorIt is suggested by the authors that by using higher performance sensors it can be upgraded, and for reducing the device size a PCB is needed.Bluetooth
6Halcyon deviceFull-fledged Android 4.2.2 OS is running on the “XTouch-Wave”. Android mobile appSince there are chances that a patient might takes of the wearable like watch and not wear it again that is where halcyon device can be effective solutionNear field communication (NFC), bluetooth, and RFID (radio frequency identifier‐cation)
7Intelligent assistive toolMobile appAs future work, it is suggested a few more features may be added and developing the system into a wearable device to provide more patient’s medical details.GPS-WiFi
8Autonomous tracking deviceMobile text on numberIn the future, the authors mentioned that more features can be added that are lacked now and improve the system.GSM
9Smart assistive glassesNoThe smart glasses were developed as a prototype and suggested to be a practical solution in the future that can help AD patients.Wi-Fi, bluetooth
10Smart glassesWeb-based frontend serverNullBLE (bluetooth low energy) gateway