Research Article

[Retracted] Investigation on the Inhibitory Effect of Methotrexate on Rheumatoid Synovitis via the TLR4-NF-κB Pathway in a Rat Model

Table 1

Comparison of the joint inflammation score of rats in each group.

GroupArthritis indextP
When modeling is complete3 months after modeling

Control group0.00 ± 0.000.00 ± 0.00
Model group3.45 ± 0.614.70 ± 1.08−4.467<0.001

Methotrexate groupLow dose3.00 ± 0.804.35 ± 1.14−6.110<0.001
Medium dose3.20 ± 0.773.05 ± 0.89#0.5470.591
High dose3.35 ± 0.882.10 ± 0.85#&@4.324<0.001