Research Article

[Retracted] Investigation on the Inhibitory Effect of Methotrexate on Rheumatoid Synovitis via the TLR4-NF-κB Pathway in a Rat Model

Table 4

Comparison of the protein levels of inflammation-related factors in synovial tissues of rats in each group.

GroupIL-2 (ng/g)IL-6 (ng/g)TNF-α (ng/g)

Control group73.50 ± 10.36125.24 ± 15.34103.78 ± 8.94
Model group322.57 ± 15.61410.23 ± 12.36592.31 ± 11.30

Methotrexate groupLow dose262.83 ± 10.72#301.16 ± 18.62#429.46 ± 12.50#
Medium dose195.37 ± 14.77#&202.09 ± 14.18#&218.44 ± 58.04#&
High dose168.27 ± 14.19#&@157.13 ± 21.89#&@133.99 ± 15.60#&@