Research Article

[Retracted] Study on the Relationship and Correlation between Turnover Tendency of Emergency Nursing Staff and Social and Work Factors

Table 2

Single factor analysis of individual situation difference of emergency nurses (n, %).

nHave a tendency to quit (n = 69)No tendency to quit (n = 41)x 2

 <304533 (73.33)12 (26.67)
 ≥306521 (32.31)44 (67.69)
Level of education8.6390.001
 Junior college and below377 (18.99)30 (81.08)
 College degree or above7343 (58.90)30 (41.10)
Marital status0.5780.389
 Unmarried7631 (40.79)45 (59.21)
 Married3416 (47.06)18 (52.94)
Working time0.1720.768
 <55520 (36.36)35 (63.64)
 5∼103412 (35.29)22 (64.71)
 ≥10217 (33.33)14 (66.67)
Professional title0.2430.375
 Vice director30 (0.00)3 (100)
 Nurse-in-charge299 (31.03)20 (68.97)
 Nurse practitioner5124 (47.06)27 (52.94)
 The nurse2718 (66.67)9 (33.33)
State of health0.3110.542
 Good10037 (37.00)63 (63.00)
 Bad104 (40.00)6 (60.00)
Monthly income4.2150.172
 ≤50008131 (38.27)50 (61.73)
 >50002911 (37.93)18 (62.07)