Research Article

[Retracted] MRI Diagnosis and Pathological Examination of Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis in Breast Cancer Patients

Table 4

Univariate analysis of the relationship between MRI features of breast lump-like lesions and axillary lymph node metastasis (n = 100, %).

MRI expressionsAxillary lymph node metastasis groupBreast cancer alone groupx2

Circular45 (45.00)52 (52.00)
Oval25 (25.00)22 (22.00)
Irregular shape30 (30.00)26 (26.00)
Edge feature13.569<0.001
Smooth34 (34.00)60 (60.00)
Irregular66 (66.00)40 (40.00)
Internal reinforcement mode0.5330.465
Even35 (35.00)40 (40.00)
Inhomogeneous25 (25.00)22 (22.00)
Ring enhancement40 (40.00)38 (38.00)
Early reinforcement mode11.8730.001
Slow strengthening22 (22.00)45 (45.00)
Medium reinforcement23 (23.00)25 (25.00)
Quick strengthening55 (55.00)30 (30.00)
Maximum diameter (mm)21.32 ± 6.7816.74 ± 5.235.349<0.001
ADC price (×10−3 mm2/s)0.74 ± 0.290.91 ± 0.35−3.740<0.001