Review Article

A Comprehensive Review on Smart Health Care: Applications, Paradigms, and Challenges with Case Studies

Table 3

Summary of various deep learning algorithms and their advantages and disadvantages.

DL algorithmDescriptionAdvantagesDisadvantagesApplications

MLPMLP is a feed-forward neural network that maps input set to relevant output. It is a confined acyclic graph where nodes are neurons with logistic activation functions.can solve complex nonlinear problems with limited data, i.e., fewer parameters.The outcome of the model depends on the model training. More processing time.Classification, recognition, business, self-driving, prediction, etc.

CNNCNN is a variant of ANN which is mostly used for image processing and recognition tasks peculiarly destined for processing pixel data.Relevant information is only retrieved. Outperforms accurate accuracy for image processing.Enormous data for training and more computational cost.Image, speech and pattern recognition and processing, video analysis, and natural language processing

RNNIt’s an expansion of the feed-forward neural network. A variant of ANN includes loops and memory units that store information, and it utilizes sequential and time-series data.Remembers the information, weights are used throughout the timestamp and can be implemented along with CNN to prolong the neighborhood pixel efficiency.Vanishing gradient problem, difficulty in training, slow computation, complex while training parallel processTemporal problems, prediction, machine translation, video captioning, speech recognition, robot control, and so on

LSTMLSTM is a type of RNN appropriate to learn order dependency in time sequence prediction problems. Like RNN information can be stored.Supervise the vanishing gradient problem, a substantial range of parameters, and no limit to input length.Slow computation, difficulty while accessing previous information, not interpretableSequence prediction problems, sentiment analysis, grammar learning, semantic parsing, speech recognition, and so on

DBNA variant of generative neural network. DBN is trained by employing a greedy algorithm and it utilizes the layer-by-layer approach to learn top-down models.Capable of using hidden layers efficiently. Capable of learning features acquired from layered learning approaches. Work well for unlabelled data, robustness in classification.High runtime complexities are not an appropriate outcome while working with pretrained algorithmsImage classification, audio classification, speech recognition, natural language processing language translation, expert systems, decision support system

AEIs a neural network that employs the backpropagation technique for feature learning. It consists of two blocks, i.e., encoding and decoding.Works well for compression and dimensionality reduction problems, features learned by one autoencoder network can be applied to another problem.Inefficient for image reconstruction. For complex images outcome results in a blurry image.Clustering, image coloring, feature variation, dimensionality reduction, denoising images, watermark removal

GANIs a DNN architecture that is capable of learning from the training dataset and generates new datasets like the original data.Generates similar outcome to original data, easy data interpretation, and an efficient algorithm for the recognition taskDifficult to train, the learning process contains missing patterns thus model may collapseData and image generation, image conversion, automatic model generation, text to image translation, semantic image to photo translation