Research Article

Biomedical Application of Identified Biomarkers Gene Expression Based Early Diagnosis and Detection in Cervical Cancer with Modified Probabilistic Neural Network

Algorithm 1

Pseudo code of PNN.
(i)Let , b = 0//initializing the vector “” and bias vector “b
(ii)SVM is trained and the model is learnt using (3.11)
(iii)For each  ∈  do//sgi–taken as a vector with selected genes illustrating as
(iv)With f (), classify
(v)If (f()) < 1//for class label prediction
(vi)Finding , of familiar data//, are taken as new features
(vii)Append to familiar data
(viii)Reduce error function by applying (3.12) and calculate with (3.13)
(ix)Retrain in the case of the wrong prediction