Research Article

[Retracted] Efficacy and Safety of Amniotic Membrane Transplantation Combined with Closure of Tenon Capsule and Bulbar Conjunctival Space in the Treatment of Primary Pterygium

Table 2

The difference of postoperative complications between the two groups.

CharacteristicsTreatment group (N = 100) (n (%))Observation group (N = 100) (n (%))χ 2P

Conjunctival congestion11 (11.0)30 (30.0)14.5100.006
Foreign body sensation20 (20.0)15 (15.0)0.8650.352
Eye dryness8 (8.0)29 (29.0)14.6200.000
Nebula of cornea9 (9.0)15 (15.0)1.7050.191
Corneal macula2 (2.0)12 (12.0)7.6800.005