Research Article

[Retracted] Diagnostic and Prognostic Value of DACH1 Methylation in the Sensitivity of Esophageal Cancer to Radiotherapy

Table 4

Relationship between methylation status of DACH1 and clinicopathological characteristics of patients with esophageal cancer (n, %).

Clinicopathological featuresNumber of casesDACH1χ2 valueP value

 Male3913 (33.33)26 (66.67)0.1480.700
 Female319 (29.03)22 (70.97)

Age (years)
 <60267 (26.92)19 (73.08)0.3900.533
 ≥604415 (34.09)29 (65.91)

Lesion site
 Upper thoracic segment2810 (35.71)18 (64.29)0.7350.693
 Mid-thorax258 (32.00)17 (68.00)
 Lower thoracic segment174 (23.53)13 (76.47)

Tumor length (cm)
 ≤54115 (36.59)26 (63.41)1.2210.269
 >5297 (24.14)22 (75.86)

TNM staging
 Phase I-II457 (15.56)38 (84.44)14.731<0.001
 Phase III-IV2515 (60.00)10 (40.00)

Degree of tumor differentiation
 High differentiation355 (14.29)30 (85.71)11.1360.004
 Middle divergence208 (40.00)12 (60.00)
 Low differentiation159 (60.00)6 (40.00)

Lymph node metastasis
 Yes2412 (50.00)12 (50.00)5.8450.016
 No4610 (21.74)36 (78.26)