Research Article

[Retracted] Analysis of the Correlation between the Level of Posttraumatic Growth and Social Support among Caregivers of Children with Acute Leukemia

Table 5

Pearson correlation analysis of stress burden and quality of life of primary caregivers of children with leukemia (r).

DimensionTotal score of stress burdenHealth and time burdenFinancial burdenLack of family supportSelf-esteem

Quality of life−0.57−0.53−0.68−0.580.54
Physiological field−0.48−0.50−0.02−0.140.15
Psychological field−0.69−0.52−0.55−0.630.15
Social relations−0.84−0.72−0.48−0.55−0.64
Environmental field−0.48−0.62−0.11−0.060.21
Spiritual field−0.10−0.54−0.10−0.140.15